Firefighting, Asbestos and Mesothelioma


Firefighters are around asbestos a lot. Asbestos was used as a construction material to protect workers and buildings from fires. It worked. It also was discovered to be a carcinogen. When older buildings made with asbestos are damaged by fire, they release large amounts of asbestos fibers and put firefighters at risk. Whether one is a volunteer firefighter or regular duty, most firefighters have likely been exposed to asbestos as part of their duties. Older buildings, when damaged by fire, release microscopic asbestos fibers into the air. Those fibers can travel considerable distance and remain airborne for extended periods of time. When inhaled or ingested, those fibers can be lodged in the lining around the lungs or stomach, and remain there for decades before developing into cancer.

The Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) announced in a study into the medical history of almost 30,000 American firefighters that compared to the average American, firefighters are more than twice as likely to develop mesothelioma, the deadly cancer caused by asbestos.

Firefighters also face much higher rates of many other types of cancer because of the exposure to toxic chemicals during a fire and its aftermath. The study did show that the extremely high incidence of mesothelioma found evidences the risky type of occupational asbestos exposure faced by firefighters.

At Schmidt-Salita Law Team we have represented many firefighters and their families due to the effects of asbestos exposure, mesothelioma and cancers. We discuss your employment and exposure history and have significant records with known chemicals, carcinogens or asbestos-containing materials and job sites. We have handled many cases on behalf of employees and their families. We pursue claims and lawsuits against those employers, mining companies, manufacturers and third parties for medical care, lost earnings/wage loss, the victim’s pain and suffering if appropriate, or the survivors’ losses. This is not taking monies out of the fire department, but insurance monies are set aside for firefighters and their families. We are honored to talk to you about your rights. Please contact us at

Phone: 952-473-4530

Toll Free: 1-800-656-8450

Fax: 952-544-1308


Happy Labor Day from Schmidt & Salita Law Team

We would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy and healthy Labor Day. Labor Day is a day to honor the working people who built this country. The union movement and organize labor have enhanced safety, living wages, health, and the promotion of business in this country.

The labor unions shall have a square deal, and the corporations shall a square deal, and in addition, all private citizens shall have a square deal.

-Theodore Roosevelt

This quote from Teddy Roosevelt says it well. Labor, corporations, and private citizens all need a square deal to move us forward. It’s not just the unions to thank, but corporations and businesses who support their workers in the strongest of ways. This keeps our country is the hardest working country in the world. We are proud to represent workers who need help due to unfortunate injuries. We understand the devastating effects injuries can have on their lives and families.

Stay safe and well.

Schmidt & Salita Law Team


Fishing and Treatment of PTSD

A nurse working inside Canada’s prison system as a crisis negotiator developed PTSD as a result of work-related trauma. Following her diagnosis and treatment, she discovered how healing fishing was for her. Now Christine Lapeer founded Mindful Fishing which hosts fishing excursions for first responders grappling with PTSD.

Schmidt & Salita Law Team’s attorney, Josh Laabs is well aware of the emotional wellness benefits of fishing. Josh is a founding board member of the organization, Pier22 Fishing, a non-profit dedicated to providing fishing excursions for military veterans and at-risk youth. Pier22 Fishing’s mission is “fishing with a purpose!”

Pier22 Fishing recently donated a guide trip to Soldiers 6’s 6th Annual Fundraiser. Soldiers 6 is a great organization that assists veterans and First Responders struggling with PTSD and matches first responders and veterans with service dogs.

Born and raised in Detroit Lakes, a self-described Walleye addict and founding member of Twin Cities Walleyes Unlimited, Josh grew up fishing with his father who had been a fishing guide for over 30 years. Josh’s sincerity and passion for making his community a better place shines through his representation of his clients as well as his non-profit work. The son of psychologists, he has a unique ability to connect with clients, particularly those who are struggling.

For more information check out How a Nurse Uses Fishing to Fight PTSD and Pier 22 Fishing.

Josh fishing.jpg

September is Suicide Prevention Month

Suicide is a serious pressing crisis facing the fire service and has surpassed the number of line of duty deaths for firefighters. Firefighters are dying and they need help.

Symptoms of depression and PTSD, which firefighters regularly face, may include suicidal thoughts. The IAFF estimates that 50% of all firefighters have thought about wanting to die, 20% make a plan, 16% will attempt suicide, and 16% will engage in self-harm.

We have to do better by our public servants. Work comp insurance companies need to admit and help pay for claims so firefighters are able to get better mental health help.

If you are struggling, please seek help. Please help your brother or sister firefighter by making it okay to get help and breaking down the mental health stigma that is killing firefighters.

Additional Resources:

2B CONTINUED - local non-profit dedicated to increase awareness of suicide prevention, mental health & wellness through advocacy, education, and outreach.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255

MnFIRE Support Hotline: 1-888-784-6634


COVID-19 Frontline Worker Presumption Success

COVID-19 Worker’s Compensation claims are covered at a 96% rate for frontline workers as a result of the COVID-19 Frontline Worker Presumption law. revealed that according to the Department of Labor and Industry Commissioner Roslyn Robertson reported that 96% of infected workers covered by the presumption law had their claims accepted.

The COVID-19 Frontline Worker Presumption law has helped to ensured that front line workers, particularly first responders, who were infected with COVID-19 in the workplace has been successful.

Certain workers are presumed to have contracted COVID-19 on the job due to the conditions and nature of the job.

Schmidt & Salita Law Team’s Mary Beth Boyce and Dean Salita were an integral part of the team that negotiated the language of the deal that passed.

At Schmidt & Salita Law Team we are proud to work on behalf of injured worker’s not just in the Courtroom but at a grassroots and legislative level. We also continue to represent individuals who have occupational exposure that results in COVID, cancer and other unfortunate illnesses.


Tommy's Tonka Trolley Hosts Fundraiser for MN Firefighters Initiative

Attorney Dean Salita who owns and operates Tommy’s Tonka Trolley with his family in Excelsior, an ice cream shop, hosted a fundraise for MnFIRE, the Minnesota Firefighters Initiative, an organization crated and run by firefighters to promote health and safety for firefighters in this dangerous profession.

Schmidt & Salita Law Team is proud to be a prominent supporter of this organization that helps firefighters with cancer, cardiac issues, and emotional trauma and works to mitigate these issues in the fire service.

The Excelsior Fire Department came to show the kids the truck and support, passing out hats for the children.

Thank you to everyone who came to support a great cause!


Hometown Heroes Assistance Program Passes

The passing of the Hometown Heroes Assistance Program passing is a huge win for all firefighters in the State of Minnesota . The Minnesota Legislature passed this bill due to the hard work of groups such as MnFIRE and Minnesota Professional Firefighters. The Hometown Heroes Act targets and works to reduce the effects of emotional trauma, cancer, and heart conditions that face Minnesota firefighters.

The Hometown Heroes Assistance Program:

  1. Provides MnFIRE Awareness training for every firefighter across the state.

  2. Provides MnFIRE Awareness training for medical professionals so they may help prevent and mitigate the significant health risks facing firefighters.

  3. Create a “critical care” policy for firefighters to cover the cancer and heart condition treatment, up to $20,000 of coverage..

  4. Create MnFIRE Assistance Program for firefighters that addresses the significant emotional trauma and toil from the fire service.

“I, unfortunately, have watched many of my fellow firefighters suffer and die from cancer and heart disease, if we don’t take care of the folks we call when we’re in trouble, how can we expect them to be there when we need them? I’m passionate about this subject, and I’m honored to be carrying this bill.”

-Senator Jeff Howe, co-sponsor of this legislation

This program will significantly help Minnesota’s 22,000 firefighters who face these serious health issues.


Schmidt & Salita Law Team Diamond Sponsor of 2021 MnFore

Schmidt & Salita Law Team sponsored MnFORE, a golf tournament which raised money to benefit the Minnesota Firefighter Initiative (MnFIRE), which assists firefighters in protecting their health, focusing on the areas that greatly affect those in the fire service: cardiac, cancer, and emotional trauma.

Attorneys Josh Laabs, Mary Beth Boyce, and Dean Salita had a wonderful time golfing and supporting firefighters across the State of Minnesota.


National Firefighter Cancer Registry

In 2018, the National Firefighter Cancer Registry Act was passed. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health or “NIOSH” is working with the CDC to establish a National Firefighter Registry to track the health of firefighters. This occupational data will help to investigate the risks factors for firefighters that develop cancer and improve the monitoring of cancer among firefighters. The goal is to enroll 200,000 firefighters nationally. This data will eventually be available to the public.

In a previous NIOSH study that tracked firefighters between 2010 and 2015, showed that involved firefighters had higher rates of digestive, oral, respiratory and urinary than the general population. This study also showed that firefighters had almost twice as many cases of malignant mesothelioma, cancer caused by exposure to asbestos. Firefighters under the age of 65 who developed bladder and prostate cancer were more than expected.

We hope tracking this data and eventual studies will assist in early detection and mitigation of cancers for firefighters. Research from the CDC and NIOSH is also vital to presenting our clients’ cases in court. The statistics and evidentiary evidence is here. Work comp insurers need to start paying for firefighter's’ work-related cancer treatment.
