Healthcare Continuation Benefits


If you suffer an injury in the line of duty and qualify for PERA Duty Disability benefits, you and your family may also be entitled to healthcare continuation benefits under Minnesota Statute Sec. 299A.465. If you are not entitled to PERA Duty Disability benefits due to your age and years of service, and you otherwise meet the healthcare continuation coverage requirements, you may still be eligible for coverage.

What are Healthcare Continuation benefits?

Healthcare coverage through the fire department, as if you were still an employee until age 65, even though you separated from the department due to an injury. If you maintained family coverage at the time of your disability, your family is also entitled to coverage.


  • Member of the PERA Fire Plan

  • Sustained an injury performing inherently dangerous duties specific to firefighters

  • Unable to perform the normal duties of a firefighter for at least 12 months

Who decides if you are eligible?

PERA makes the initial determination during the application process. Your employer may elect to accept or appeal PERA’s determination through a contested case hearing at the Office of Administrative Hearings.

Do I need a lawyer?

These benefits are potentially worth hundreds of thousands of dollars for you and your family. We recommend seeking legal advice to protect your rights.