Firefighting, Asbestos and Mesothelioma


Firefighters are around asbestos a lot. Asbestos was used as a construction material to protect workers and buildings from fires. It worked. It also was discovered to be a carcinogen. When older buildings made with asbestos are damaged by fire, they release large amounts of asbestos fibers and put firefighters at risk. Whether one is a volunteer firefighter or regular duty, most firefighters have likely been exposed to asbestos as part of their duties. Older buildings, when damaged by fire, release microscopic asbestos fibers into the air. Those fibers can travel considerable distance and remain airborne for extended periods of time. When inhaled or ingested, those fibers can be lodged in the lining around the lungs or stomach, and remain there for decades before developing into cancer.

The Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) announced in a study into the medical history of almost 30,000 American firefighters that compared to the average American, firefighters are more than twice as likely to develop mesothelioma, the deadly cancer caused by asbestos.

Firefighters also face much higher rates of many other types of cancer because of the exposure to toxic chemicals during a fire and its aftermath. The study did show that the extremely high incidence of mesothelioma found evidences the risky type of occupational asbestos exposure faced by firefighters.

At Schmidt-Salita Law Team we have represented many firefighters and their families due to the effects of asbestos exposure, mesothelioma and cancers. We discuss your employment and exposure history and have significant records with known chemicals, carcinogens or asbestos-containing materials and job sites. We have handled many cases on behalf of employees and their families. We pursue claims and lawsuits against those employers, mining companies, manufacturers and third parties for medical care, lost earnings/wage loss, the victim’s pain and suffering if appropriate, or the survivors’ losses. This is not taking monies out of the fire department, but insurance monies are set aside for firefighters and their families. We are honored to talk to you about your rights. Please contact us at

Phone: 952-473-4530

Toll Free: 1-800-656-8450

Fax: 952-544-1308
