September is Suicide Prevention Month

Suicide is a serious pressing crisis facing the fire service and has surpassed the number of line of duty deaths for firefighters. Firefighters are dying and they need help.

Symptoms of depression and PTSD, which firefighters regularly face, may include suicidal thoughts. The IAFF estimates that 50% of all firefighters have thought about wanting to die, 20% make a plan, 16% will attempt suicide, and 16% will engage in self-harm.

We have to do better by our public servants. Work comp insurance companies need to admit and help pay for claims so firefighters are able to get better mental health help.

If you are struggling, please seek help. Please help your brother or sister firefighter by making it okay to get help and breaking down the mental health stigma that is killing firefighters.

Additional Resources:

2B CONTINUED - local non-profit dedicated to increase awareness of suicide prevention, mental health & wellness through advocacy, education, and outreach.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255

MnFIRE Support Hotline: 1-888-784-6634
