COVID-19 Frontline Worker Presumption Success

COVID-19 Worker’s Compensation claims are covered at a 96% rate for frontline workers as a result of the COVID-19 Frontline Worker Presumption law. revealed that according to the Department of Labor and Industry Commissioner Roslyn Robertson reported that 96% of infected workers covered by the presumption law had their claims accepted.

The COVID-19 Frontline Worker Presumption law has helped to ensured that front line workers, particularly first responders, who were infected with COVID-19 in the workplace has been successful.

Certain workers are presumed to have contracted COVID-19 on the job due to the conditions and nature of the job.

Schmidt & Salita Law Team’s Mary Beth Boyce and Dean Salita were an integral part of the team that negotiated the language of the deal that passed.

At Schmidt & Salita Law Team we are proud to work on behalf of injured worker’s not just in the Courtroom but at a grassroots and legislative level. We also continue to represent individuals who have occupational exposure that results in COVID, cancer and other unfortunate illnesses.
